Customer Testimonials


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The Advantages of Using Filter for Pipelines

The Advantages of Using Filter for Pipelines

Apr 24,2024

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Customer Testimonials

Hassimi Abu Hasan

Maintenance Manager, Acrylic acid and esters plant, Malaysia

They solved the problem of replacing and matching old valves for us. It has been a problem of production safety in our plant for the past two years. I believe we have taken a happy step forward in wor...


​Petrochemical Equipment Services, Thailand

MstnLand has significantly helped our procurement department to increase technical evaluation quality and reduce overall procurement costs while shortening by three weeks the procurement period.

Abdul Hamid

BMP oil & gas, Bangladesh

BMP oil & gas, Bangladesh


Petrochemical plant, Kazakhstan

As the equipment manager of a petrochemical plant, every time purchasing spare parts and spare parts is a trivial and complicated work. But MstnLand's technical support and supply services saved m...


Industrial Equipment Service, Indonesia

MstnLand always delivers all types and sizes of valves we need on time, even for special types and hard-to-find valves, they can always find them for us.